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Astrology for Magicians and Metaphysicists - Introduction

In the following lessons you will find an introduction to natal astrology.  I am using the key-word method, because I realized that this is the most efficient way to gain the skills of natal chart interpretation.  Conversely, you may use the same method to set up your astro trend generation units for the purpose of taking control of your stars!

How to Draw and Evaluate an Astrological Chart

The astrological chart is a representation of the astrological factors at the time of the event it describes. In the case of a birth chart, it represents the positions of the planets and houses as seen from the place of birth at the time of birth.

The following is not designed to give you an understanding of the astronomical factors involved. I will rather give you a step by step introduction that helps you understand the structure of a chart, to design it and to understand it. You need not know the astronomical basis of astrology for this task.

I am going to use the method that shows the planets as they are in the zodiac (European method) rather than the twelve-equal-wedges method that is still practiced in the Anglo Saxon countries. This latter method shows the astrological signs and planets in the houses. With this antiquated method it is rather difficult to see and evaluate midpoints and structural patterns of aspects, both of which are important for our task to generate astrological trends. If you have a computer program that calculates your charts, be sure to have a printout the shows the planets and houses in the zodiac -- the way you are going to learn in the following pages.

It is the ZODIAC in which you will draw all the planets, house cusps, and other factors of the chart. This zodiac is represented by a circle of 360 degrees. The degrees are counted in a counter-clockwise manner.


The zodiac is subdivided into twelve equal parts of 30 degrees each. These twelve equal parts are the astrological signs. The beginning of the zodiac is set at the point that the sun occupies at the exact time of the spring equinox. This point is 0 degrees of the sign of Aries. You find this point at the right side of the chart. From there the 30 degrees of Aries are counted in a counter clockwise manner until 30 degrees Aries which is 0 degrees Taurus.

For your convenience, each sign is subdivided into six sections of five degrees each. As you proceed in magical astrology, you will find out that this subdivision have a very special meaning.

The circle below shows the twelve signs of the zodiac.

zod.gif (3148 bytes)


The zodiac is always here. Everything else moves through the signs of the zodiac at its own speed. The Sun completes one orbit through the zodiac in one year, the Moon in 28 days, Jupiter 12 years, etc. The system of the houses makes one rotation through the zodiac every twenty-four hours. This movement is cause by the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Rulers of the signs

Each sign is affiliated with one or two planets whose action, or function, best corresponds to the energy of the sign. Traditionally these planets were called the "rulers" of the sign. The following diagram shows you the rulers of each sign. The outside circle shows the day-rulers, the central circle shows the night-rulers, the inner circle shows the signs.


Elements (Triplicities) and Quadruplicities

You learned about quadruplicities in the course material. The chart below shows you the distribution of elements and quadruplicities.


Inscribing the houses

The first thing we do is drawing the cusps of the twelve houses into the circle of the zodiac. We work with a chart for September 14, 1974, at 1:33 p.m. daylight savings time in New York.

The twelve houses are twelve sections that are distributed in the zodiac in a counter clockwise manner. Unlike the signs of the zodiac, the houses are not of equal size.

The cusp (= beginning) of the first house, or ascendant, is at 13 Sagittarius and 12 minutes of arc, or 13:12 degrees of Sagittarius. This, then, was the point of the zodiac that was rising in the East at that time.

The beginning of the tenth house is at 2 degrees Libra and 46 minutes of arc, or 2:46 degrees of Libra. The beginning of the tenth house is called Midheaven. This is so because the midheaven is the point of the zodiac that is "in the middle of the sky." It is at the point where the sun is at Noon.

The cusp of the seventh house, or descendant, is the point in the zodiac that is exactly opposite the ascendant. It is 13 degrees Gemini and 12 minutes of arc, or 12:13 degrees Gemini.

The cusp of the fourth house is on the opposite side of the tenth house cusp, in 2:46 degrees of Aries.


We proceed to draw all other house cusps into the chart. With the houses drawn into the chart, you see that the houses are not equal. The first house measures from 13:12 Degrees of Sagittarius to 17:22 degrees of Capricorn. It is slightly larger than 30 degrees, while the eleventh house measures from 1:11 degrees of Scorpion to 23:39 degrees of the same sign, hence it is much smaller than 30 degrees.

The axis from the first to the seventh houses marks the horizon.

The axis from the tenth to the fourth houses marks the extension of the meridian.

The houses from one through six are always below the horizon.

The houses from seven through twelve are always above the horizon, visible from the place of the event.

The houses are always in the same sequence, from 1 through 12.

I prefer to write the house numbers in Roman numerals. I do this so that they will not be confused with numbers that mark the position in degrees.

The ascendant, or the point of the zodiac that rises in the East at the time of birth (or at the time of an event) is by far the most influential part in a chart. It exceeds even the sun in importance. In pop-astrology, the person who was born at the time for which the sample chart was erected, would be considered being a Virgo, because this person has the sun in Virgo. However, considering the importance of the rising degree, I would say that this person is a Sagittarian with the sun in Virgo.

Inscribing the Planets

The next step is inscribing the planets into the chart. Here we proceed in the same fashion as we did when we inscribed the twelve houses: The sun is marked into 21 degrees of Virgo 31 minutes of arc (roughly 21 1/2 degrees on the chart), the Moon s 2:08 Virgo (the mark is close to the two degree line), etc.


Inscribing the Aspects

Our next step is to find the aspects between the planets and inscribing them into the chart. Here you will already see the advantage of the chart pattern that you learn to use: With a bit of practice, you can directly read the aspects from the chart.

As you have read in the course, as aspect between two planets exists if the planets are within the range of specific angles from each other.

For the beginning, we consider only the major aspects: The opposition, or 180 degrees apart (opposing), the trine, or 120 degrees apart, the square, or 90 degrees apart, the sextile, or 60 degrees apart, and the conjunction, where the planets are close to each other.

An exact aspect is very brief. This is so because the planets are always in motion. However, an aspect is valid within a certain range of accuracy. This range is called "the maximal orb" of an aspect. Consequently, an opposition is valid when the planets are between 172 and 180 degrees apart. This means that the maximal orb for an opposition is 8 degrees. The same holds for a conjunction that is good up to a distance of 8 degrees. The square has an orb of 7 degrees, the trine 7 degrees, and the sextile 6 degrees. The effect of an aspect is strongest when it is exact. It is weakest when it reaches the orb. For instance, two planets exactly 60 degrees apart are in their strongest mutual aspect, while when 54 or 66 degrees apart, the influence of the aspect is still noticeable, but it is very weak.

We inscribe the aspects as lines that connect the planets in aspect. Draw blue lines for soft aspects (trine and sextile) and red lines for hard aspects (squares and oppositions). In our sample chart we used two different dotted lines.

Abbreviations and Symbols

You are familiar with the symbols for planets, sings and aspects. In the following I am showing you a system of abbreviations that allows you to enter the signs, planets, houses, etc., easily into any computer, or write it with any typewriter or word processor. These abbreviations are also an excellent tool for another purpose: You can use them to write astrological "formulas" that you can then translate into statements using the key word method that you have been taught in this course.
Planet or House Cusp 
H (=hermes) 
A (=ares) 
K (=kronos) 

Aspects: write the degrees for the exact aspect: 60 for sextile, 90 for square, 00 for conjunction, 180 for opposition, etc.

Examples for Abbreviation

Jupiter in Leo -- J le
Jupiter in Leo in the Third House -- J le 3
Jupiter in Leo in the Third House Sextile Mars in Gemini in the First House -- J le 3 60 A gm 1 etc.

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Information that you can find on this site (contents)
Astrology for Magicians and Metaphysicists
Basic Astrology:  Drawing the Horoscope
The Astrology of Planetary Rulers
The Astrology of Elements and Quadruplicities
The Astrology of the Signs
The Astrology of the Houses
Inscribing the Planets
The Astrology of the Aspects
Abbreviations and Symbols in Astrology
Lesson I:
Magic, Astrology, Astrological Magic and Magical Astrology
Methods of Approximation in Magical Astrology
Modern Methods of Magical Astrology to Generate Trends
A New Dimension in Astrology
Why Astrology Works
The Horoscope Represents Structural Settings
The Wise Rules the Stars
Astrology and Life Force
An Astrological Greenhouse
What this Course in Natal Astrology is teaching
The Energetic Basis of Astrology
The Astronomical Basis of Astrology
The Sample Chart
Lesson II:
The Astrology of the Planets: Basics and Keywords
Astrology of the Sun:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of the Moon:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Mercury:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Venus:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Mars:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Jupiter:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Saturn:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Uranus:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Neptune:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Astrology of Pluto:  Key Word Extensions, etc.
Lesson III:
Astrology of the Signs:  Basics, Attitudes of Expression, Manners of Expression
Astrology of Aries:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Taurus:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Gemini:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Cancer:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Leo:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Virgo:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Libra:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Scorpio:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Sagittarius:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Capricorn:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Aquarius:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Pisces:  Key Words, Rulers, etc.
Astrology of Sextuplets
Astrology of Triplicities
Astrology of Quadruplicities
Lesson IV:
Astrology of the Houses:  Keywords
The Astrology of the First House
The Astrology of the Second House
The Astrology of the Third House
The Astrology of the Fourth House
The Astrology of the Fifth House
The Astrology of the Sixth House
The Astrology of the Seventh House
The Astrology of the Eighth House
The Astrology of the Ninth House
The Astrology of the Tenth House
The Astrology of the Eleventh House
The Astrology of the Twelfth House
Planets, Signs, and Houses Keyword Summary
The Astrology of Aspects
Lesson V:
Preparing to Judge a Chart
Preparing an Astrological Chart
Fifteen Steps for Making Notes on a Chart
Fifteen Part Reference from which to make Notes
The Ascendants
Aries Ascendant
Taurus Ascendant
Gemini Ascendant
Cancer Ascendant
Leo Ascendant
Virgo Ascendant
Libra Ascendant
Scorpio Ascendant
Sagittarius Ascendant
Capricorn Ascendant
Aquarius Ascendant
Pisces Ascendant
Planets, Signs, and Houses
Planets in Signs
Planets in Houses
Describing the Houses
Lesson VI:
The Astrology of the Aspects
Aspects of the Sun
Aspects of the Moon
Aspects of Mercury
Aspects of Venus
Aspects of Mars
Aspects of Jupiter
Aspects of Saturn
Aspects of Uranus
Aspects of Neptune
Aspects of Pluto
Aspects of the Ascendant
Aspects of the Midheaven
Lesson VII:
The Astrology of Basic Structures
The Astrology of Dominant Groupings
Special aspects in Astrology
Hemispheric Distribution
Chart Patterns
This web site contains a free astrology course in seven lessons. The approach that we take here to teach natal astrology is the method of connecting astrological key words.  In fact, this course in astrology is designed that you can interpret an astrological chart after reading this course in astrology once.  Simply follow the instructions given in this course when interpreting the horoscope and others may be inclined to believe that you have been studying astrology for a long time!  Knowing your keywords, of course, will eventually be a must to practice natal astrology.  The mastery of natal astrology using the key word method will make it a lot easier to make predictions with the help of astrology and, eventually, help others and yourself by using the knowledge astrology in generating desired effects:  to cause positive permanent change in all areas of experience:  relationships, business, money, etc. Astrology is a powerful help in any form of magick:  You set the desired astrological trend and power such settings with life force. You find a good description of this powerful combination of astrology and magick in the web site
On this web site you find Keywords in Astrology. Keywords of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects, and how to connect these keywords to Interpretations.
Basic Horoscope Structures in Astrology and their Interpretation, Astrology for Magicians.
You find how Astrology can be Used to Generate  and Manage Trends. Abbreviations of Signs, Planets, and Houses help you establish easy to read formulas for Interpretation in Natal Astrology.
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