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The RAD-5 = Advanced Orgone Radionics System

The RAD-5 means scores of choice and ultimate flexibility!!!

Most radionics devices have one setting, rate, or "frequency". This setting refers to a specific action, or trend.

The RAD 2400 series from HSCTI has one set of three dials for the trend and one set of three dials for the target of the operation. This is still in line with many other radionics devices on the market where you find one well for the person and another well for the "treatment".

When we developed the digital Radionics Programs, i.e.,
the RI 2400 CDand the PR 2000 CD, we used our expertise in magickal work. Consequently we decided to go a gigantic step beyond the limitations of conventional radionics: Besides the traditional structural links to the target (usually a person) and the trend energy ("treatment"), we included:

 a setting that reflects the underlying energy (basic action),
 an energy that we set into the environment of the target person, and  an alternate target.

The basic action sets a specific, very generalized, energy pattern such as universal success or specific fields of experience that may be represented by planetary correlations.

The trend in the environment is an energy pattern that draws the target person into environments that are conducive for success or has impact upon people in the environment of the target person(s).

The alternate target is a secondary choice, in the case when interferences of any kind prevent the trend energy from reaching the target. Grounding is a good choice for such a situation.

The overwhelming success of the Power Radionics Program was the reason that led us to design a powerful orgone radionics device that matches this computer program: the RAD 5 with its five powerful orgone generators, all of them with silver tubing pointing toward the center of action. They are arranged as part of a donut shaped chi generator that is connected with a radionics tuner that has 5 x 3 dials. Each group of three dials determine the actual frequency of the individual orgone generator that's connected with them. The result is a chord of five real frequencies, designed to give a super-boost to your success!!!


© 1996 Hyper Space Communications & Technologies Inc.

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