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The PBT 2000 = Power Booster with Transfer Disk

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The Power Booster (like all devices, with silver tubing) comes with a Transfer Disk. The Transfer Disk will give you assured smoother transfer of life energy. Both, the power booster and the transfer disk are made with orgonite. A built-in structural link connects the transfer disk with its Power Booster.

Uses: Carry the transfer disk on you while your Orgone Generator or Orgone Radionics Device with attached Power Booster is in your home. With this simple arrangement you can carry the energy of your Orgone Generator or Orgone Radionics Device with you - any place in the universe! It is especially suited for the EPG 1100 ET, but you can use it also for all other orgone radionics devices. Please specify the device!

Specialty Power Boosters

specially made for Sports, physical fitness, and body building

   PBT 2001 - For Increased Aggression
   PBT 2002 - For Concentration and Precision
   PBT 2003 - To Boost Stamina and Endurance
   PBT 2004 - For Wholesome Relaxation that Helps Recovery
   PBTBH - Potency Booster - To Boost Male Potency and Sexual Performance

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